25 October 2015

Cloning of Oracle 12c Database on windows 64-bit

Cloning of Oracle 12c Database:

This post will cover the cloning of Oracle 12c database on windows 64-bit.

Source Database : HCM90CS
Clone Database   : HCM90TDM

Step 1: Connect to the Source database as SYS user and create a trace file of control file using below command:









Step 2: Find out the path and names of datafiles,control files, and redo log files.

SQL> select name from v$datafile;
SQL> select member from v$logfile;
SQL> select name from v$controlfile;

Step 3: Take the control file backup








Step 4: Parameter file backup.

SQL> create pfile = ' \HCM90TDM\inithcm90tdm.ora' from spfile;

Step 5: Create the instance.

C:\Windows\system32>oradim -NEW -SID HCM90TDM -STARTMODE manual

Step 6: Shutdown the HCM90CS Database.







Step 7: Copy the all files from oradata of Source database to target database location.

Step 8: Create appropriate directory structure in clone database for dumps and specify them in the parameter file.

Step 9: Edit the clone database parameter file and make necessary changes to the clone database
Re-names of the all data files names that have changed.
Save as db_create_controlfile.sql.

Step10: Startup the HCM90TDM database in NOMOUNT stage.

C:\Windows\system32>set oracle_Sid=hcm90tdm
C:\Windows\system32>sqlplus /nolog
SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> startup nomount pfile='D:\oracle\admin\HCM90TDM\inithcm90tdm.ora’;







Step 11: Create the control file trace for the clone database using the trace control file and specify the appropriate paths for redolog and datafiles











Step 12: Alter database open resetlogs;


Its done..

Quote of the Day:-
"People usually change for two reasons,either they have learnt a lot or they have been hurt a lot."

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